Publications - Life+ Enerbioscrub
As part of the project goals we consider the dissemination of the project results through impact journals.
Until now, two papers have been published in impact magazines:
Biofuels from Broom Clearings: Production and Combustion in Commercial Boilers.
Irene Mediavilla, Elena Borjabada, Miguel J. Fernández, Raquel Ramos, Paloma Pérez, Raquel Bados, Juan E. Carrasco, Luis S. Esteban.
The paper has been published in "Energy" journal, number 141, December 2017 pp 1845-1856.
Estimation of shrub biomass availability along two geographical transects in the Iberian Peninsula for energy purposes.
Borja D. González-González, Hortensia Sixto, Iciar Alberdi, Luis Esteban, Silvia Guerrero, María Pasalodos, Antonio Vázquez, Isabel Cañellas.
Click here to access the paper in "Biomass and Bioenergy" journal, number 105, October 2017, pp 211-218.